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Pregnancy puts extra demands on your digestive system. From morning sickness to occasional constipation, learn more about the causes and remedies for common pregnancy complaints.
What to eat during pregnancy A healthy diet is always important but it is essential when you are pregnant. Nutrients from the foods you eat cross through the placenta and...
Pregnant and having trouble sleeping? Learn how pregnancy affects your sleep and how to get a better night’s rest, plus why sleep is so important to your health and your...
How does stress affect you during pregnancy? Learn the many ways stress can affect your baby’s development plus tips on how to reduce stress and stay in control.
Learn what your body needs to support a healthy pregnancy and why. What to expect month by month as your baby grows and your nutrition needs change.
How does pregnancy affect the immune system? Learn more about healthy immunity in pregnancy and how to support your baby’s developing immune system.
What to look for in prenatals, when you’re thinking of getting pregnant. Vitamin B12, D3, B6, A, and E. Choline, iron, zinc, probiotics in multivitamins. Folic vs. folate.
Why you should consider taking a probiotic supplement during pregnancy. Learn the benefits of probiotics for a healthy gut-brain connection and more.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to good health. Did you know that there are three different types of omega-3 fatty acids? Learn what they are and why those differences are...
Folic Acid vs Folate. Is folate folic acid? Active form of folate. Why is folate important during pregnancy? MTHFR gene variant, benefits of methylation.
What are the best vegan DHA supplements? Can I get DHA from my vegan diet? Why is DHA important during pregnancy? No Fish, No Fish Vegan Prenatal DHA
How much DHA should I take during pregnancy? Why take a separate DHA from your prenatal vitamins. What is the best prenatal DHA? Vegan, omega 3, choline.
Tips for Storing & Taking Vitamins: How do you store long term? What is the best time of day to take multivitamins? What happens on an empty stomach?
The benefits of vitamin D, including brain health and immunity. How do we get vitamin? Vitamin D3 vs D2. Vitamin D and pregnancy. How much do I need?
Do you trust your gut? Have you been told you have good gut instincts? How about a gut feeling? As common as these expressions are, the time has come to...
Iron is essential for our bodies, yet low iron is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Low iron levels can leave you feeling physically tired and weak, impair mental function,...
Children change the way we look at things in so many ways. The very idea of getting pregnant begins to adjust your focus. Suddenly your nutritional needs matter more than...
Oxygenating the brain well supports proper brain function. This requires a balance of: Correct breathing for oxygenation Correct carbon dioxide and nitric oxide levels for circulation Brain activities for growth...
Prenatal vitamins are for you, your baby and your grandchildren. Excellent nutritional support affects generations to come. Prenatal vitamins are literally a once-in-a-lifetime chance to provide your future children and...
Prenatal vitamins? You knew to take those. But, postnatal vitamins? Many women don’t think to change to them or discontinue use of prenatal vitamins at this important time. Now that...
Your sleeping habits can directly affect your wellness. When it comes to your immune system health, sleep is one of the drivers of your immune cells (1, 2). When sleeping, your body’s...
Why water is important for brain health Brain cells need two times more energy than other cells in the body. Water provides this energy more effectively than any other substance. Water...
When it comes to your brain health, eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones should be a top priority. The right foods provide energy, support your physical health, and support...