A prenatal powerhouse: DHA's role in your baby's brain development

Prenatal DHA plays a crucial role in supporting optimal brain development for your baby.

DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid, is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that positively impacts brain function, vision, and the nervous system. In this post, we’ll look at how a prenatal DHA supplement can benefit your baby’s brain development.


    Key nutrients for comprehensive prenatal care

    DHA is one of many vital nutrients to consider during pregnancy. Others, like folate (folic acid), iron, calcium, and vitamin D each play a role in your baby's development. Folate aids in preventing neural tube defects, iron supports healthy blood production, calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, and vitamin D ensures proper absorption of calcium. When you have your prenatal nutritional needs covered, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you're doing everything you can to support your baby's growth and development.


    The science behind DHA and brain development

    The relationship between DHA and brain development during pregnancy has been documented in numerous scientific studies. This essential omega-3 fatty acid contributes to the formation and growth of brain cells. It’s vital for cognitive function, memory, and learning capabilities in babies. 

    Moreover, research has shown that children born to mothers who had an adequate intake of DHA during pregnancy had supported cognitive abilities, attention spans, and IQ scores. By ensuring you get enough DHA through prenatal vitamins, you're investing in your baby's long-term brain development.


    Choosing the right prenatal DHA supplement

    Whether you’re looking for high-quality DHA from fish oil or our vegan, plant-based DHA made from algae oil, either is the perfect support for our Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin. By taking a multivitamin + DHA combo, you can prioritize your baby's brain development and set the foundation for a bright future.


    Frequently asked questions

    Why is DHA important in prenatal vitamins?

    DHA is an incredibly important nutrient for your baby's brain function, vision, and nervous system. Most prenatal vitamins don't provide optimal DHA sources or amounts, often using synthetic ethyl esters. To solve this, we put our DHA in separate softgels. Prenatal DHA uses triglyceride oil from fish and Vegan Prenatal DHA uses purified algae oil. Unlike synthetics, neither of these high-quality ingredients can be compressed. Taking a DHA along with a multivitamin like our Prenatal Multi+ ensures expectant moms receive important vitamins and the right amount of DHA.

    Are prenatal vitamins taken with DHA enough for my baby's development?

    Prenatal vitamins should also include essential nutrients like methylfolate, iron, calcium, and vitamin D.

    Can I get enough DHA through my diet alone?

    It is possible, but it's challenging to get enough DHA on a consistent basis through diet alone. That’s why many moms opt for supplementation.

    How much DHA should I take during pregnancy?

    The March of Dimes recommends 200-300 mg of DHA daily, but consult your healthcare provider for personalized recommendations. Our Prenatal DHA contains 500 mg of DHA from triglyceride oil—the form found in fish.

    When should I start taking prenatal vitamins with a DHA supplement?

    Begin taking prenatal DHA before conception and continue throughout pregnancy.

    Can I take prenatal DHA while breastfeeding?

    Yes, continuing to take prenatal DHA while breastfeeding supports both you and your baby.

    Are plant-based sources of DHA available?

    Yes, there’s also algae-based DHA for those preferring a plant-based source.

    How do I choose the best prenatal DHA?

    Look for high-quality DHA sources, third-party testing for purity and potency, and essential nutrients.