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Vitamin A

Vitamin A

Support Your Body & Mind With Vitamin A 

  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Promotes visual development and maintenance
  • Helps with the formation of new brain cells
  • Contributes to learning and memory

Found in:
Liver, Carrots, Spinach, Broccoli, Fish


Beta-Carotene, Retinyl Palmitate

Both Forms

Vitamin A is categorized into two specific groups: retinoids and carotenoids. Retinyl palmitate is a retinoid and beta-carotene is a carotenoid. We have included both forms to help support those who have trouble converting provitamin A compounds (beta-carotene) into the active retinyl/retinol forms.

Multiple Benefits

Both types of vitamin A support eye health, skin health, immune system function, and reproductive health.

The Best Ingredients Make the Best Vitamins

Our community of science authorities looks at thousands of studies to consciously choose each nutrient in our vitamins. These nutrients are continuously researched so we only deliver science-backed benefits. Scroll down to see some of the strongest studies that support our research.

All of our ingredients have been thoroughly tested.

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