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We use post-consumer recycled plastic bottles
We understand that plastic waste is a growing problem. Our goal is to minimize plastic waste by incorporating recyclable plastics in our packaging. That’s why we ship bottles made from 100% post-consumer plastic to our happy customers across the globe.
The National Ocean Service reports that 8 million tons of plastics enter our oceans each year, and that by the year 2050, there will be more plastics than fish in our seas.
If more brands would switch to biodegradable and recycled plastics, this could make a huge difference in the environment.
A fully remote workforce has always been in effect at Best Nest. This represents our internal efforts towards a more human-centered and sustainable workplace.
Working from home cuts down on our team’s commuting hours, which means decreased carbon emissions. Plus, working remotely cuts down on office supplies and saves time, energy, and money to arrive at an office.
We’re helping to get more eco-friendly products into the hands of as many people as possible. Through our business practices and workplace efforts, we give our customers what they want: powerful brain-focused nutrition that doesn’t compromise the hope for a sustainable future.
We believe every family should thrive in wellness. But, oftentimes, they do not even have access to food, let alone vitamins. Because this is an issue so close to our hearts, we have donated to amazing charities–Hunger Free Colorado, LeSEA Global Feed the Hungry, and STRIDE Community Health Center–to provide families in need with food and necessities.
We believe healthy nutrition is a human right and we hope, one day, that it is available to all. Until then, with your help, we will continue to always do our part to improve the lives of every growing nest.